
circa 1997 a.d.
a young student in bangalore gets interested in the internet. The power to make yourself known to millions. many a night are spent creating a web page, its design etc.

circa 1999 a.d.
more tools arrive. interest revived in the website design. now lots of sites offering free webspace. Also wins a contest and gets a free domain name.

circa 2000 a.d.
the power of publishing from the desktop. More design- powered by photoshop.

circa 2001 a.d.
the power of flash

circa 2004
Blogging. Finally a cool effective solution to millions to see your message.

circa 2005
Podcasting. This is the definitive solution to making yourself heard by the millions

circa ?
maybe the millions are not worth enough to hear me after all.

1 comment:

Winson said...

hey donny, i dragged ur podcast logo to the itunes, buut can t listen to anythings...