Brain Rules

As you no doubt have noticed if you’ve ever sat through a typical PowerPoint presentation, people don’t pay attention to boring things (Brain Rule #4). You’ve got seconds to grab someone’s attention, and only 10 minutes to keep it. At 9 minutes and 59 seconds, something must be done quickly—something emotional and relevant...

Ever feel tired around 3 o’clock in the afternoon? That’s because your brain really wants to take a nap. You might be more productive if you did: In one study, a 26-minute nap improved NASA pilots’ performance by 34 percent. Even so, the brain isn’t resting while it sleeps. It is surprisingly active. And whether you get enough rest affects your mental agility the next day. Sleep well, think well (Brain Rule #7).

Read more about the amazing phenomenon of the Human Brain at BRAIN RULES by John Medina.

Couldn't help posting this!


Lesser tv inches definitely means more wall space, lesser furniture more room, lesser stress more calm, lesser excesses more healthy lifestyle…and i can go on and on. And yet in our culture obsessed with more it is increasingly difficult to think about less. In a lifestyle constantly obsessed with upgrading to the latest iteration of what you possess, can we think about downgrading?

Alas if we had MORE time, we could have perhaps, or can we do it with LESS?

Radically honest!

To be honest with you this isn't going to be easy.

It actually means being honest in every moment, with everybody, in any situation.

That means no white lies, grey lies or any black or blue lies, it means nothing but the truth and the whole truth, every time, all the time.

Difficult, crazy, strange, call it anything but definitely not impossible, as we have some amazing people who chose this path and the fate of nations depended on their radical decision to be honest, no matter what!

Try it for an hour, for a day and you'll see for yourself that it definitely changes the world around you.