more camera toss?


Camera toss anyone?


Ever tossed a camera before? Well that requires technique now! Yep camera tossing is the art of taking photographs by tossing the camera into the air. There's a blog that even has a few tips about it. And also a group on flickr that has camera tossing fans.


[[PHOTOS]] More of a series of snaps I took of a cute friend of mine, Ann Mary.

Action blog?

[[Blog]] A new blog on the horizon, something that promises action....The photos definitely hint as much! Check out this blog here.

Got Dubaied???

[[Jobs]] First it was Bangalore, now i think its Dubai's turn at getting outsourced.

"The city-state, part of the United Arab Emirates, has kicked off an effort to land some of the outsourcing work that is heading to countries with low labor costs like India and China. But instead of trying to compete head-to-head against those giants, the country is positioning itself as a place where companies can place their more senior or more qualified employees who may not want to live in Bangalore or Mumbai". More here.

India however has a long standing tradition in technology, from as early as 1946. Here's a report tracing the chronology of India's tech rise.

tea talk?




rain. come again?


A rainy day in bangkok.



Singapore. It is actually a very short tunnel, though it looks long.


[[PHOTOS]] Have been taking a lot of snaps these days. Thought I'd paste some i like. More to follow.

This was taken just beside where i live in bangkok.

browser, anyone?

[[Web]] I was just checking my blog stats and wasn't surprised to find that the majority of visitors to this site still use IE. Here's the breakup.

Guess you still haven't heard about Firefox, the coolest browser in town. Its definitely the best of the lot, and the gr8 part about it is the extension you can add on to it, and this enables it to do stuff that other browsers can think about. It also had tabbed browsing much before IE incorporated it ( have they done it?......i haven't used IE for an year almost).

Click this button and get the coolest browser in town.

Get Firefox!

I am not making any money on this thing. Its just that i love this browser.

got this today.

[[Mail]] *

Dear Dony,

I would like to inform you that I will return you to XXXXXX or administrator at the 3th floor, A building which means that you have to find a new advisor. For next year, my thesis quota is full.

Take care.

[[Rebuttal]] *

How do you expect somebody to take care of oneself after you get a mail like this? Anyways just for the record, did my 4 chapters in 36 hrs flat.


[[Network!]] Face it. We are living in a world that is becoming increasingly networked. And your future well depends on the network of people you know.

There have been social networking sites such as hi5 and friendster around that do a gr8 job of helping you keep in touch with people. But this new site LinkedIn gives the network another angle. It helps you boost your professional capabilities by letting you network with others for job opportunities, business opportunites etc.

In short what earlier used to be a referral for a job in your small circle of friends just got expounded to the web. And this is not just a site for those who need jobs, it is also a place where you can meet like minded people to network with for business ventures, those brilliant ideas of yours for implementation or to just find a capable person to fill in a vacancy at your work place.

Nice to know that people are begining to help each other even if they need technology to do it for them.

Click on this button to get linked.



Sorry, but I don't post on sundays.

let your photo know u!

[[PHOTOS]] * Now isn't that cool. You can upload those tons of snaps that you make with your digital cameras, and you don't even have to label them! No more DSC00000 whatever pics.... Photo blogging just became cooler.

This site however is still in alpha and doesn't support any browser other than IE ( I know its lame) and the software you have to download works only for Windows :( .

On the plus side the concept is cool and the technology is amazing.

There is another site here that has a similar concept that also checks your photo to check which celebrity your photo matches. Try it.


Both these sites have lots of Indian collaborations. Move over world, India is arriving

tech anyone?

The ease that technology provides is illusory. It has trapped you, made you a slave to things you don't even need but suddenly can't live without. So you rot in a cubicle trying to get the money to get the stuff, when you should be out walking in a meadow or writing a song.

Utopian claptrap, you sneer. So you put nose to grindstone, your life ebbing as you accumulate ... what?

Look around. Our collective humanity is dying a little more every day. Technology is killing life on the street -- the public commons, if you please. Chat rooms, text messaging, IM are all, technically, forms of communication. But when they replace yakking over the back fence or simply walking with a friend -- as they have for an increasing number of people in "advanced" societies -- then meaningful human contact is lost. Ease of use is small compensation.

The street suffers in other ways, too. Where you used to buy books from your local bookseller, you now give your money (by credit card, with usurious interest rates) to Where you used to have a garage sale, you now flog your detritus on craigslist. Almost anything you used to buy from a butcher or druggist or florist you can now get online. Handy as hell, to be sure, and nothing touched by human hands. But little shops lose business and close, to be replaced, if at all, by cookie-cutter chain stores selling One Size Fits All. The corporations have got you right where they want you.

Read the complete article here.

a world without clicks.

imagine a world without clicking. Yes i meant exactly that. Using your computer without having to constantly tap, hit, scratch on a mouse or track pad. Would such a world be even thinkable. (Hint: Computer started functioning way before the mouse was invented)

But i am not here to take you on a nostalgic trip to the 70's. takes you where no website has gone before. A site that claims that you don't have to click to live. Check it out. Its fun!


I am really not into movie reviews. Frankly, i can't stand it. Tell me why would you have somebody tell you what a movie is like when u are gonna see it anyway. Then there is the bias that occurs because of a review, and what if the person who reviewed has a completely different viewpoint?

Kinda like you are watching a suspense filled movie and just before the plot is unravelled, somebody tells u how it ends. Well just take a review as this process happening before the movie has begun. ( Phew! had to say that someday).

BTW this post has nothing to do with my bias towards movie reviewers. I just watched the movie Lord of war yesterday and was surprised hear a familiar musical composition in the movie. During one of the scenes you hear the theme music of the film Bombay scored by A.R.Rehman.

Having heard enough of hollywood soundtracks in Indian does feel different hearing an Indian soundtrack in a hollywood production.


Suddenly a lot of things seem to be happening like this coffee cup that knows what you are drinking, the Rockr really rocking? and the CIA still getting dirty.

But somethings never change like recently when Microsoft went offline when they went Live!

How can the company that built presentation software for the millions fail to give a decent presentation? or is it a sign of what can be expected of Microsoft Live? Only time will tell....( or does google already know?)

Oldest domain names

What was the first domain name to be ever registered?

And who were the people who made it before the rest....

1. 15-Mar-1985 SYMBOLICS.COM
2. 24-Apr-1985 BBN.COM
3. 24-May-1985 THINK.COM
4. 11-Jul-1985 MCC.COM
5. 30-Sep-1985 DEC.COM
6. 07-Nov-1985 NORTHROP.COM
7. 09-Jan-1986 XEROX.COM
8. 17-Jan-1986 SRI.COM
9. 03-Mar-1986 HP.COM
10. 05-Mar-1986 BELLCORE.COM
11. 19-Mar-1986 IBM.COM
11. 19-Mar-1986 SUN.COM
13. 25-Mar-1986 INTEL.COM
13. 25-Mar-1986 TI.COM
15. 25-Apr-1986 ATT.COM
16. 08-May-1986 GMR.COM
16. 08-May-1986 TEK.COM
18. 10-Jul-1986 FMC.COM
18. 10-Jul-1986 UB.COM
20. 05-Aug-1986 BELL-ATL.COM
20. 05-Aug-1986 GE.COM
20. 05-Aug-1986 GREBYN.COM
20. 05-Aug-1986 ISC.COM
20. 05-Aug-1986 NSC.COM
20. 05-Aug-1986 STARGATE.COM
26. 02-Sep-1986 BOEING.COM
27. 18-Sep-1986 ITCORP.COM
28. 29-Sep-1986 SIEMENS.COM
29. 18-Oct-1986 PYRAMID.COM
30. 27-Oct-1986 ALPHACDC.COM

Here is the top 100 list.