Power of One?

I have always been intrigued by this number.


so little. yet so much more.

There's a movie about it.

Many people have showed us the power of one. One person willing to make a difference, often ridiculed, hated, oppressed but made the difference nevertheless. To paraphrase Apple's classic ad, "the people who think that they are crazy enough to change the world are the ones that do".

This campaign called the One Second Film uses the power of one, and this site for Katrina relief too. Be it in giving nickels, dollars or just being there, the power of one is a force to reckon with. For the true force of the 'power of one' isn't in numbers, it's in the unity of thought....that some say may even move mountains.

Can u change the world around you? You have the Power of One on your side.

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