a thousand apologies

the quality of my work notwithstanding, i was wondering at the absence of any comments whatsoever on this beautiful chunk of bytes i call a blog.

C'mon face it, anybody would love to hear something about themselves and though devoid of any life like characterictics this blog also yearns for the same.

It is at this precise moment of absolute contemplation of the absence of any written structure of a collection of alphabets( a.k.a. a comment) that it dawned on me that i had forgotten to turn on anonymous commenting. Sorry once again, however you can all breathe a sigh of relief as the damage has been reversed such that your praise would have another place on the net befitting your stature, namely my blog.

is not the commandment, "thou shall not leave thy neighbours blog uncommented", familiar to us all?


I blog therefore I am.......... jobless. utterly jobless.


BlueRose said...

Uh...hmm. I guess we all feel a little pressured here.

Kathy said...

I just stumbled upon your blog today, but you're right...blogs should not go uncommented.

So here is a comment for you. And I hope Nescafe reads your blog too. Then I can say I knew you when...or I stumbled upon you when....

Unknown said...

thank you all for your comments. sure feels glad to be commented!