yep. fresh. ground cement. This was on a billboard i saw today, an ad for a cement company. For crying out loud, its CEMENT. Not hot coffee, where the freshly ground actually means something.
Don't advertise because you have to. Don't advertise what you have. Advertise what you have that your customers don't know you have and they need it.
Sandwich men proclaiming the end of the world aren't believed cause, hey if it was really the end of the world why would i be standing in the middle of the road, with a sign that says its the end of the world.
Know. Have. Advertise. In that order!
Yeah but freshly ground sounds good, isn't it,even though it is cement?
I really liked the message of know, have and advertise, but, sorry, to contradict you on the example. I think there are some standards of cement that defines the freshly ground criteria. Check out this website,
That is only a test criterion to check how good they last in packs! Nothing to do whatsoever with the quality of the cement :) and my post was more about why advertise something that does not benefit the consumer in anyway, except that it sounds nice??
Thanks for the clarification. Anyway, that advertisement has come a long way than it was supposed to by your blog. So on a second thought, was it really bad advertising! It has got your attention, mine and i think quite a lot of your friends too! Now that's what i call reverse engineering!Cheers!
Just curious, can i know that name of that cement? he...he..he
Rijo! its ACC cement's new advertising campaign!
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