Human Touch

I often wonder if we have lost the human touch around us. Today, I was at a restaurant, we were 3 of us, the waiter gave us the menu, and while we were thinking about the order, i mentioned that I needed a coffee urgently, he said one urgent coffee coming right away and left to return with a hot coffee and then take the rest of our order.

Wow! Talk about responsiveness, talk about service quality, and yes "the human touch". Was thoroughly impressed with the fella! We all bemoan bad service, especially in India and we often wonder where the human touch is, if there was something like that. We get  pissed when we are put on hold by customer service (hehehe...), government stuff etc. But the real question is are we providing the human touch, at our workplace, in public, when we commute, when somebody needs help (not just when they ask for it)

Human touch anyone?

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