Confucious says....

Confucious says, "I did not say that!".

If you are like most people*, you would have waited for the punchline, and expected to chuckle at a random fact that makes "zense", because it comes from yonder time, or you would have been prepared to believe the "Zenism" because, you know....its Zen!

Marketers love packaging stuff (not the package it comes in, thats for later to unwrap...), I am talking about packaging facts, that will make you fantasize about meeting your unmet needs and making your current products obsolete. Its the the packaging of the idea, thats makes our current product feel inferior. Tv screens peaked to around 40 inches, and then came LCD & Plasma, and they peaked and then came LED screens. You can see darker blacks and whiter whites more clearly, except i am not using my tv as a microscope,I just want to watch TV, not dust the speck on a 400% zoomed picture of my face.

(Bigger, Brighter, Faster) + (emotion, slow motion, catchy music) + (like button + twitter) = feel miserable, unwanted, unloved!

Confucious would have said, " i told u so!".

*humans who believe that they are humans

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