Yoga: From Hippies to Hip ?

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"To say yoga is not a religion is to miss the point. Many people, especially those in the West, think that for something to be religious, there should be prayer, worship, or the study of a 'holy' book. These things are not readily apparent in hatha yoga and so it is dismissed as non-religious. However, spiritual practices do not have to exhibit these particular signs, especially if the spirituality is Eastern or New Age. The concept of prayer and worship varies from religion to religion, and from culture to culture. Eastern religions are made up of various practices; hatha yoga is one of many practices found in Hindu beliefs. To deny the spiritual nature and foundations of yoga is inaccurate at best.

Hatha yoga is an integral part of a religious practice, its origins, terms, and purposes entwined deeply in ancient spiritual teachings and beliefs. As one can see, trying to change the language or purpose of yoga does not work; the spirituality keeps bouncing back and showing through the cracks. Whether you call yoga a spiritual practice or a fitness regimen, you cannot escape its intrinsic spiritual nature."

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